British Council Creative Economy

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Type: Research


Intersections: Emerging creative trends across UK art and digital culture

A series of conversations looking at the ideas and creative practices at the junctures of art and technology in the UK.

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Connecting Creative Communities: Creative Hubs in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines

Research published in 2017. Beyond identifying and indexing creative hubs in Malaysia, the research looked at the challenges they face, how they operate and assessed their impact.

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Innovative Peacebuilding in Syria

A scoping study looking at the strategic use of technology to build peace in the Syrian context. The research in this report reviews the global context of the peacetech sector and examines current uses of technology in peacebuilding initiatives in the Syrian context. Click through for the Arabic version.

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Creative and Cultural Districts in Thailand

This report presents insights into four creative districts in Thailand, to better understand the unique features of their creative ecosystems and focusing on the interlinks between hubs and the neighbourhoods.

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Happy Nests – The social impact of creative hubs in the Philippines

This research exercise sought to understand the creative hubs profiles, dynamics and effects, notably social impact, in the Philippines.

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Situational Analysis of Creative Hubs in Malaysia

This study looks at creative hubs and community-based collectives across Malaysia in an effort to understand who they are, what they do, share their successes and challenges, and imagine what a preferable future could look like.

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Mapping Creative Hubs in Wales

This mapping report provides a record of creative hubs across Wales, along with an overview of their role, their challenges and their drive to deliver social and economic impact.

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Mapping of the Ethiopian Creative Ecosystem

A report summarising the results of research on the Ethiopian Creative Economy between the period of 2018 and 2021, commissioned by British Council Ethiopia.

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Heritage for inclusive growth

Heritage for inclusive growth provides a powerful and timely model for addressing social, economic and environmental inequalities, a case made in this report by the RSA in association with the British Council.

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Cities Culture Creativity

‘Cities, Culture, and Creativity’ (CCC) provides guiding principles and a CCC Framework to support cities in unlocking the power of cultural and creative industries for sustainable urban development, city competitiveness, and social inclusion.

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Festivals in South East Asia

This festival research was commissioned due to a lack of evidence and data to demonstrate the socio-economic impact of the festival sector in the region.

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Creative and cultural industries in Sri Lanka

A study into the current state of the cultural and creative industries of Sri Lanka.

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Malaysia Cultural Insights Report

This Malaysia Cultural Insights report is intended to provide insightful information about the Malaysian cultural sector and wider creative industries.

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State of Creativity report

A Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre report now available in eight additional languages: Arabic, French, Indonesian, Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Uzbek and Ukrainian.


Jakarta Creative Practitioners and Hubs Mapping Research

Jakarta, as the biggest city in Indonesia, is not only the centre of government and economy but also the centre of arts and cultures.

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Malaysia Arts and Technology Research

Following five months of research, this document examines the best opportunities, partnerships and approaches that could connect Malaysia and the UK through cultural practices in arts and creative technology.

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Mapping the Creative Economy Around Durga Puja Sept 2021

This research report looks at ten creative industries that drive Durga Puja, possibly the world's largest public arts festival.

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Arts and Technology in Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong

This research seeks to support future partnerships and exchange by offering insight into the key trends and characteristics of the arts and technology sectors in Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong.

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Informal Economy in the Global South

Research and creative outputs from 10 countries across the Global South.


Making Space

Making Space is a series of essays commissioned in collaboration with the Barbican. The essays undertake a body of research into how arts organisations and cultural producers are seeking to become more responsive to an increasingly complex world beyond their walls, and play a stronger role in civic and social life.

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Mapping Creative Hubs in England

This mapping report provides a record of creative hubs across England, along with an overview of their role, their challenges and their drive to deliver social and economic impact.

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Mapping Creative Hubs in Scotland

This mapping report provides a record of creative hubs across Scotland, along with an overview of their sustainability, social and economic impacts, their international connections and their inclination to respond to global challenges.

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Creative Hubs: Understanding the New Economy

This report takes a closer look at the dynamic ecosystem of creative spaces and communities over the last 10 years to better understand their diverse value, processes and motivations.

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Mapping the Creative Industries: a Toolkit

In many places, little is known about the size or location of the creative industries, or what their needs are. Mapping is the first step in changing this. This toolkit, developed by BOP Consulting does just that.


Creative Connections: Playable City Lagos

Evaluation by Nesta of the Playable City Lagos project. Helpful things to think about when taking the Playable City programme to other cities.

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Creative Hubs Mapping Taiwan

How the creative economy in Taiwan is developing, with recommendations and outlooks for the future.

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Mapping Creative Hubs in Malaysia

Mapping of creative hubs, including what we include in the definition of hubs, background, business models and structures. It also includes a directory of creative hubs and spaces in Malaysia.

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Policy and Creative Hubs in Vietnam

An overview of the cultural and creative industries and creative hubs in Vietnam. Includes an analysis of where hubs sit within the legal system.

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New and Changing Dynamics: How the Creative Economy is Evolving

This guide, New and Changing Dynamics: How the Global Creative Economy is Evolving, shows how the global creative economy is changing. Published in 2016, it is an updated companion to the 2010 Introduction to the Creative Economy. Edited by John Newbigin, OBE, chair of Creative England, it has sections about funding, finding your audience and much more.

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British Council Cultural Cities Profile China

12 emerging Chinese cities were mapped to capture the fast-changing landscape of China’s cultural, creative, urban and environmental sectors.

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