British Council Creative Economy

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Developing Inclusive Creative Economies (DICE)

DICE will address entrenched issues of unemployment and unequal economic growth in five emerging economies: Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan and South Africa.

Drawing on UK expertise, DICE supports the development of creative and social enterprises at policy, institutional and individual levels.

Designed and delivered mutually between UK organisations and counterparts in country, the programme will provide funding for interventions that:

  • Empower women and girls
  • Foster youth employment
  • Support people with disabilities
  • Engage marginalised groups

DICE will also undertake research conducted on the ground in each of the countries, focused on identifying current barriers to development and offer recommendations to support long term, inclusive growth.

The first of its kind, this ambitious two year, cross-sectoral, cross-regional programme aims to bring about significant, long term change by breaking down barriers and enabling social and creative enterprises to flourish.

Skills and Creativity
Young people have the skills/ knowledge to contribute ideas and innovation, enabling them to progress into employment or create enterprises, contributing to more equitable growth

Cohesion and Equality
Social and Creative enterprises contribute to the economy, increase the number of job opportunities for young women and disadvantaged groups, and have wider social impact

Ideas and Innovation
Increased access to and benefit from international ideas and collaboration between Emerging Economies and the UK delivering mutual benefit

Strengthened UK- Global relationships
UK positioned at the heart of global developments in creative and social enterprise