British Council Creative Economy

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Responsible Design for Meaningful Experiences

How might we build a better world through design? This course contextualizes concepts of diversity, inclusion, accessibility, and sustainability within the design and creative process.

The goal is for learners to place a high value on these issues, and to think of action steps to incorporate responsible design in their respective creative practices.

It takes approximately 4 hours to go through this course.

This course was created as part of a series of dynamic and accessible online learning modules for creative and cultural professionals around the world, designed with input from creative hub leaders from Southeast Asia and the UK.

Part of The Creative Communities Learning Lab.

Explore more courses in this series and more here.

Course Producers:

Habi Education Lab is a design studio based in the Philippines that integrates human-centered design in learning experiences. They work with schools, organizations, and communities to improve how people learn. -

Rewire Learning is a consultancy based in the UK that creates learning interventions that rewire behaviour to help unleash the best in people. They provide strategic consulting and solution design services to various organizations and companies. -

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