British Council Creative Economy

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Creative Hubs for Good Southeast Asia

Creative Hubs for Good was a programme that supported creative hubs as key drivers and catalysts for good in cities in Southeast Asia. It ran between 2018 and 2022 in Thailand, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

CIP Philippines

Creative Hubs for Good's objective was to support creative hubs as key drivers and catalysts for good in cities in Southeast Asia. ​The programme gradually built its role as a cultural broker that bridges, links and mediates between hubs, citizens, policy and decision-makers with different cultural backgrounds, for positive change. It was delivered in:

The programme was structured to focus on three areas of work, starting with capacity building and skills training for creative hub leaders and other creative professionals, creating new networks and international connections, as well as advocating and bringing relevant stakeholders to the discussion. It was preceded by an extensive research exercise across the region which took place in 2017, to identify needs and inform the structure of the programme. 

The activities were tailored per country, to ensure the programme responds to contextual needs in the most relevant way possible. The British Council worked with creative hubs and a large number of creative organisations as vehicles for the delivery of the programme.


Read the programme evaluation here


Our approach has emphasised the collaboration between Southeast Asian and UK partners throughout the lifetime of the programme. We are very grateful to have been able to collaborate with a large number of partners from Southeast Asia and the UK, including:



Viet Nam



UK and International partners

  • Nesta
  • Hivos 
  • European Union
  • numerous creative hubs from across the UK
  • numerous higher education institutions from across the UK

Hubs for Good Forum in Kuala Lumpur 2019

British Council Thailand

The programme reached 68,000 new and diverse audiences, artists and creatives, both online and offline. 67 hubs were directly involved in the programme and have gained knowledge and skills which they used to achieve positive change within their hubs and the sector. We worked across 5 countries in Southeast Asia, with partners and benecificiaries in 37 cities. We hosted 57 online and offline trainings, workshops and webinars, and a further 45 workshops, lectures and training sessions were hosted by our beneficiaries to cascade their learnings within their communities and networks. We provided 71 collaboration grants and scholarships as part of the Hubs for Good programme, and organised 8 study visits.

Research reports

Through Creative Hubs for Good we were able to commission and publish over 20 research reports, ranging from sector mappings to more indepth analyses of the different impact of creative hubs. Here you can browse through some of the reports:


The UK-SEA Creative Hubs Connectis an initiative supported by the British Council and co-organised by Mereka Connect (Malaysia) and Baltic Creative CIC (UK). It links creative hubs across the UK and Southeast Asia and offers direct access to networks, resources and research, all on a single platform.

 Join the UK-SEA Creative Hubs Connect to make your hub known to the world and start connecting with your peers. Visit it here.


For inquiries on partnerships, please email