British Council Creative Economy

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Alternate Territories

Alternate Territories is a 4 day programme which brings together an international cohort of artists, curators and leaders from the immersive, interactive and cultural sector at Sheffield Doc/Festival.

Sheffield Doc/Festival

Working in partnership with Sheffield Doc/Festival and the Alternate Realities Summit, we have launched a new initiative Alternate Territories.

Alternate territories is an immersive professional development programme for artists, curators and leaders from the immersive, interactive and cultural sector to develop and strengthen international connections.

In 2019 we hosted our first international cohort, the group participated in tailored workshops, curated tours, attended Alternate Realities Summit and immersive themselves in 4 days of knowledge and exchange.

The cohort will explore the theme of what it means to live in in a digital world and how that world looks from different territories. In 2019 the programme has been inspired by the themes of The British Council’s web season, we often think of the digital realm as borderless, but are there border’s we can’t see?

Alternate Realities is a strand of Sheffield DocFest, it is a world leading programme of interactive and immersive art works focused on non-fiction; the programme explores game changing forms of storytelling, through film, art, performance and technology.

You can check out the full schedule for Alternate Realities programme here.

For more information on our tech and interactive programmes please contact Emma Boulton