British Council Creative Economy

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AltCity CDMX: Chameleon

An 360º exploration of the people of Mexico City examining the relationship between virtual reality, sight and touch in one of the world's most populous cities.

AltCity CDMX: Chameleon is an exploration of the people of Mexico City - a portraiture project which examines the relationship between sight and touch in virtual reality whilst exposing the diversity and social makeup of one of the most populous cities in the world.

Marshmallow Laser Feast (MLF) will work with Mexican artists to find and record stories of people within CDMX. Capturing each subject in 360º - sound, appearance and environment - the creative team, led by MLF, will build a public installation that will blur the line between virtual and real. The people of CDMX will be invited to share and present their stories in a multi-sensory 360º experience of light, sound and touch.

Building on their work with emerging artists in Brazil for AltCity São Paulo, MLF will share their creative practice using 3D mapping, 360º degree storytelling and virtual reality to create a new interactive artwork for MUTEK MX.